NCTE 2021

On Friday, November 19 from 1:15-2:30pm EST via Zoom, I will be presenting on a panel titled “A Different Mirror:” Linguistic Histories of Being Asian/American (in the English classroom).

Proposal Description

For Asian/American students, mother tongues link family, heritage, identities. Yet students must often give up their language in school, perpetuating White supremacy. Drawing on Latin American testimonio, six Asian/American educators will share (auto)ethnographies that explore the confluence of identity and language history, with implications for the classroom.

Thank you to my fellow panelists!

Naitnaphit Limlamai, University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Laura-Ann Jacobs, University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Diana Liu, Teachers College, Columbia University
Grace Player, University of Connecticut
Reshma Ramkellawan-Arteaga, Teaching Matters
Byung-In Seo, Chicago State University